Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black (CMYK), started in 2019-20, and part of a more extensive series that reflects my relocation to... Read More
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black (CMYK), started in 2019-20, and part of a more extensive series that reflects my relocation to the Deep South in 2018. The painting depicts the Charlottesville, Virginia Market Street Park, during the Unite the Right rally of August 11-12, 2017. The equestrian statue of Robert E. Lee stands between the two stretched figures with white supremacist torch bearers below, identified through infamous imagery from news clippings. The distorted and inverted figuration is that of the colonizing illustrations of vintage children's books from the early 1960s. The juxtaposed figuration with the half-tone backdrop creates a connection and separation through placement and style. Although the representations can be differential in style, periods, and initial intent, they are conjoined through proximity and their place of white privilege. With this painting, I contemplated color processes, both additive and subtractive, and the process of creating, both digital print versus the act of hand painting--combining both.