Aerowaves 2018 selection
WRECK-List of extinct species is an interdisciplinary performance mixing movement, dance, sound and visual art.
A huge black, plastic, inflatable pillow-like object moves across the stage, like a predator hunting its prey. Around it move the dancers, human figures that are swallowed and spat back out by the mysterious object.
In this surreal world the abstract object has power. Is it an allegory of undersea legendary monsters of bygone tales? Or is it a metaphor for global capitalism, our scourge on the natural world, or the human condition itself? It provokes and amplifies our imagination, asking us to impose our own interpretations.
This is the aim of this dynamic Italian choreographer. Pietro Marullo seeks to approach choreography through different lenses using different disciplines to create a new language on stage. In his performances inanimate objects can becomes vessels for movement, whilst human bodies become objects themselves. Relationships are inverted as our expectations are subverted.
WRECK – List of extinct species has been performed across the world in indoor and outdoor spaces.
This is an “elastic performance”, that means it can be shown with different versions. In outdoor spaces, in indoor spaces, standard stages, museum, markets, stations, schools, etc. With a long or short version. With or without local persons (children, dancers, beginners, etc.), integrated after a short workshop. The standard formula team is with 6 dancers from the company.