Gender equality is a utopia. And
not a very nice one. Because in the tiresome debate about who enjoys
what privileges in society as a whole and if so, how many and why I
don't, men and women like to start the same argument over and over
again. It's about who has an easier life, who has better opportunities
for advancement. It's about attention.
What were the times when
men hunted mammoths and pulled their women by the hair in or out of
their cave, most likely with an immensely powerful Fred Flintstone club
in their luggage. The man built the pyramids with his bare hands, opened
up the world's oceans only with a tiny compass needle, urbanized entire
continents and ensured law and order in the Wild West. Piff paff. He
healed the flu and the penis envy, flew to the moon and jumped back to
earth with a parachute. And why all this? Because he can! And, of
course, to distinguish yourself and then look for recognition in the
woman's lap.
And now, thanks to feminism, all those heroic deeds are
only acknowledged with a tired smile because the women have taken the
scepter into their own manicured hands? Of course that's a little
One should assume that after successful emancipation,
both genders have finally reconciled. But far from it: After years of
insecurity due to the strengthened women, the men's world has probably
taken some courage in a corresponding self-help group and is fighting
back against the male-hostile excesses of the impending matriarchy. They
fight against the apparent preference for women in the educational
area, in education policy and in custody. But less with constructive
arguments, or for my part, by pounding the fist on the table or against
their now hairless chest to remind us that they invented fire, the wheel
and humanism. No, they do what they do best: they whine.
For a long
time, an unwritten law was in force in this country to ensure the social
coexistence of men and women. Accordingly, women should accept
disadvantages on the other side for all privileges that are inherent to
them (breasts) (reduction to the same). However, since ardent feminists
have been campaigning for their rights, for example by accusing their
male boss of sexual harassment at work, men have judged themselves to be
deferred. They feel that the supposedly balanced relationship between
man and woman is given up by emancipation from one side.
the men's rights movement in turn now demands equality for women in
everything else that brings them disadvantages. And even if military
service can only be started voluntarily by both sexes, there is still
work to be done on the construction site, underground, or cleaning the
city. And of course, strong and beautiful genders would have to share
the bitterly contested places in the lifeboat fairly with one another or
at least pee for it at the next sinking of the Titanic.There can be no
winners in this more than stupid gender adjustment debate, for the
simple reason that men and women are not the same. And it is the basic
mistake of this discussion to want to make pears out of apples - or the
other way around. In this way, men and women will continue to rub
themselves off because they are too busy trying to envy each others
supposed “privileges” and spreading resentment. Instead of making the
best of togetherness, waking up together, for example, fathering
children or listening to eight-part choratoriums.
I chose to copy this paragraph because it explains my artwork very well and my position on this subject.
Author Konstantin Sakkas.