“Boolean” And (eagle), 2017Nucleo_Piergiorgio Robino + Edoardo U. TraveWelded, polished bronze on vintage sculptureExhibited at NUCLEO. The Law of Past... Read More
“Boolean” And (eagle), 2017
Nucleo_Piergiorgio Robino + Edoardo U. Trave
Welded, polished bronze on vintage sculpture
Exhibited at NUCLEO. The Law of Past Experience
A project curated by Atto Belloli Ardessi and Ginevra Bria
FuturDome in 2017
Boolean as new meaning.
Boolean as manipulation’s result.
Boolean as in computer-aided design are called operations of subtraction, intersection, and union.
Boolean is a series of hybrid sculptures Nucleo has created by coupling disparate elements like vintage furniture and cast concrete based on the application of Boolean operators. Boolean logic, named after English mathematician and computer pioneer George Boole, established the use of operators like “NOT”, “OR” and “AND” that we now use in web searches. It is precisely the application of such operations of subtraction, intersection and union that Nucleo unleashes upon a trove of vintage artefacts like antique timber furniture, bronze sculptures and ceramic plates with simple geometric forms.
Price on request (press@nucleo.to)