A contemporary dance solo from the ACCUMULATION series,
choreographed by Andrea K. Schlehwein + NETZWERK AKS in close collaboration
with the soloist Unita Gay Galiluyo.
The cobblestone is a symbol of rebellion and revolt. In
#robotic it plays a role that goes far beyond the decorative, it determines
this contemporary dance solo.
Technically complex movement material is based on the idea
of three containers (skull, rib cage, pelvis) that set impulses as independent
centers. If one allows autonomy as far as possible, confusion arises in the
control system ‘brain’ and in the periphery. Irritation and awkwardness, anger
and overload arise and form the emotional coloring in this demanding solo.
[from the ACCUMULATION series]
Andrea K. Schlehwein + NETZWERK AKS
artistic direction . choreography . scenography
Andrea K. Schlehwein
dance + creation
Unita Gay Galiluyo
Five Elements Films GmbH
Lukas Pirkebner
Tim van den Oudenhoven
büro für tanz | theater | produktionen 2022
www.andreakschlehwein.com |