These works explore how many of us have unintentionally linked our wellbeing to the virtual world, whereby creation is now an attempt to satisfy our unending thirst for attention and external validation through social media likes, views and followers.
Just for a moment pay close attention, gaze at the swirls and splashes and notice the urge to take a photo, the thrill of a ‘like’ appearing on screen or is the lure of another artwork more worthy of your instagram? It’s a battle for attention and we may be losing the war.
War of Attention no. I - Watch Me, Like Me, Follow Me
Video and Metadata displayed on 2 x 1920 px 1:1 ratio Custom Aluminium housed monitors. (pictured above each monitor: 50 x 50 x 6 cm)
Run time: 06:15 (on continuous loop)
More information can be found at