Cloaked in shadow and mystery, a face conceals their identity behind an alluring mask. Their intricate headdress, adorned with feathers and glittering adornments, resembles a crown, underscoring their enigmatic allure. The mask may not be a mere ornament but a relic, harboring ancient secrets or bestowing upon its wearer supernatural powers...
My series of works is an attempt to convey complex
emotions and ideas through the lens of digital art. With the help of artificial
intelligence, I create visual metaphors that invite the viewer to
contemplation. Midjourney and Adobe Photoshop algorithms serve as tools for
realizing my concepts, while my artistic vision imparts depth and emotional
richness to the works. Each piece is the result of a dialogue between human and
machine, where new meanings and images are born.
The faces featured in the models were created using
artificial intelligence and do not represent actual human subjects