St. Cohabitator
highlights the side effects of climate change in the form of insects
and organisms that are part of our daily life – even if we might
not see them. Most of the organisms feast on our waste, others
intrude our bodies and still others transfer diseases. Despite their
monstrous appearance they are a necessity to sustain our life circle.
Artist Statement
My aim is to create aesthetic compositions which captivate the observer and invite her/him to deal with current critical themes. The digital, very graphic technique that I use on the computer leans in a formal sense on the glass works of church windows. Images of catastrophes, scandals, disputes and the like are intensified through an intricate iconography and composed like a mosaic. It is not my intention to construct new religious legends, as the sacred latin titles might imply, but rather to raise questions about which values we want to hold sacred in our time and prioritize in the future. Occidental and oriental designs combine into complex ornaments stressing the importance of an international dialogue. Occasional backlighting lends the works an additional radiance.