In a world where boundaries blur, home becomes a fluid concept, seeking refuge within the heart of every journey. When the native land is engulfed in war, and the engineer-builder within you seeks stability, home transforms into a delicate thread connecting the past, present, and future.
Home is not merely walls and a roof but a state of the soul, an sense of belonging to a world that becomes exclusively personal. In travel, you carry your home to every new city, to every uncharted territory, and it becomes a part of your internal landscape.
In such a world, even the body can become a home, a sanctuary from external upheavals. It becomes the last fortress when native lands are ravaged by war, and a searching soul strives to find a place under the canopy of stars.
Where boundaries shift, the world becomes a home, and home becomes an entire world within you. In this sense of vulnerability and loss, the strength of adaptation sprouts, and every step into the void becomes a new fragment of home, an embodiment of hope and vitality in a world that never ceases to change.