The NEIRO I created is a device that
transforms the everyday world, and I created it as a sound system that makes
you feel discovery and surprise when you look at it and see something more.If you pay attention to even the smallest
of events, which are usually overlooked, you will make a new discovery.
We notice things we hadn't noticed before,
and our perceptions change. By seeing and hearing things, we come into contact
with everyday things with a new sensitivity.If there is a "trigger" to make
us notice and discover something Our sense of hearing has the hidden ability to
create music by simply changing the environment in which we listen, without
creating sounds.I believe that the exploratory attitude of
ambient music is the most essential element of contemporary music, and that it
has the power to expand our perception and perception of a new world. Through
this theme, I hope to create a "trigger" for this. we will be able to find something that
has been buried in the world.