Material: Printing on Canvas Fabric,1 2 - c o l o u r i n k s y st e m,( F A T G a p p r o v e d )
- These paintings are an all the time stories in which human beings
experience the boundary situation of prolongation (life) and stop (death) of
life, in a very neutral and observant way. The starting point of the work is a
collection of symbolized fragments of the memory of life through the ceremonial
action of 'dive' (falling off, standing & going down) between the
perspective connection point of land (related) and sea (last destination).
- My main tool is geometry. It is a thoroughly calculated
composition in which the straight line with the intended direction, the dotted
line of the existential suggestion, the vertical relationship (above and
below), the diagonal line, and the visual vanishing point unfold in the neutral
frame of 'square'. His intention was a simple geometrical composition of the
representational reality, but it is a little uncomfortable to introduce many
symbolic and metaphorical elements.
- In each painting, a series of symbolic elements are used, and they
continue to appear. These elements are as if they are hidden in a drawer and
cannot be thrown away until the end, and also, they are both regrets and
restraints. However, in the neutral square frame, all symbolic elements are
used only as a device for composition, and the result is nothing more or less
than geometric construction that remains except for all elements’ stories.
- Very contrasting colors were used, and the physical properties of
the land (solid) and water (liquid) and the contrasting physical properties of
'diving' (weight) and 'floating (air) in the environment of gravity.