Backlit opal panel, 60x60 cmWhat is a photograph? Can a shot taken within a virtual world be called photography?Photo consists... Read More
Backlit opal panel, 60x60 cm
What is a photograph? Can a shot taken within a virtual world be called photography? Photo consists of four prints of photographs of the virtual Paint painting, applied to backlit opaline panels. The images are actual shots taken by a virtual camera within the 360° environment. Photo investigates the relationship between physical and virtual reality and makes a work visible through the senses that would otherwise only be explorable through an artificial device.
Metaland is a series of works that investigate the relationship between the visible and the invisible, between virtual and physical reality. Man is able to perceive reality through the senses, but technology has increased the tools available to him. Through technological devices, it is possible to access new dimensions of reality that were previously inaccessible. But what is real? Can we consider real a dimension that can only be explored through a viewer or a cell phone? Is it really possible to experience an invisible and intangible reality? Is it possible to create a dialogue, a common ground between virtual reality and physical reality? The work explores the relationship between nature and virtual reality and raises new questions regarding the definition of the boundaries between visible and invisible realities. Through a mix of innovative and traditional techniques, the series of works aims to create a synergistic relationship between these realities.