The third portrait in the series "The Transhuman Tronies of the Latter Days,", titled "I am from Malaland" symbolizes a lost symbol of hope and change in the world. Malaland represents a movement that fought against inequalities and injustices but has vanished from Earth.
The transhuman figure in the diptych artwork embodies courage and faith in a new era. Through their physical transformation, they represent the potential for personal and societal change through embracing technology and transcending human limitations. The artwork suggests that the voice of resistance against injustices persists and has evolved into a powerful force for positive transformation. By showcasing the possibilities of transhumanism, the artwork invites viewers to reflect on the struggles of the past and embrace the potential for a more equitable and just society in the future.
In the context of the series, the negative represents the flaws, limitations, and inequalities of the current human condition, while the positive signifies the potential for transformation, progress, and transcendence through transhumanism.
(dimensions and price per piece)