DOTS- Energie.
You are that Dot in the Universe ! A dot that connects to another, then another and another... that forms many galaxies. We weave the web to create a moving network, a living network.
(Artist signature on the back)
Collection 2021 :
Would Homo-sapiens become obsolete?
L'homo-sapiens è diventato obsoleto?
Homo-sapiens serait-il devenu obsolète ?
¿Quedó obsoleto el Homo sapiens?
All living organisms are in constant evolution. This was defined by Charles Darwin in his theory of the evolution of species, and this evolution carries a share of randomness and variation.
With the upsurge of nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer science and cognitive science, new anthropological narratives appear redesigning the shapes of a human being fixed, transformed or even enhanced . Homo sapiens can now manipulate his DNA, transgress natural selection and eliminate the element of chance.
Vision of a better world or an apocalyptic world?
All along my artistic works, I have been questioning the ethical aspect/part of these narratives, and I would like people to develop a critical thinking on the human condition and his future.
I would like to describe the flows, the waves from then considered as vital energies which transcend the Human being in all the aspects of his human condition. The human being is a living being, among living beings interconnected and animated by vibrations. The only way the human being will adapt to his environment, is by understanding and accepting his humanity and interconnection with Nature.
Tutti gli organismi viventi sono in costante evoluzione. Questo è stato definito da Charles Darwin nella sua teoria dell'evoluzione delle specie, e questa evoluzione porta un elemento di casualità e variazione.
Con l'esplosione delle nanotecnologie, delle biotecnologie, dell'informatica e delle scienze cognitive, stanno emergendo nuove narrazioni antropologiche che delineano i contorni di un essere umano riparato, trasformato e persino aumentato. L'homo sapiens può ora manipolare il suo DNA, trasgredire la selezione naturale ed eliminare l'elemento del caso.
Visione di un mondo migliore o di un mondo apocalittico?
Nel corso del mio lavoro artistico, ho messo in discussione l'aspetto etico di queste narrazioni, e vorrei che la gente sviluppasse un pensiero critico sulla condizione umana e il suo futuro. Voglio descrivere i flussi, le onde considerate quindi come energie vitali che trascendono l'essere umano in tutti gli aspetti della sua condizione umana. L'essere umano è un essere vivente, tra esseri viventi interconnessi e animati da vibrazioni. L'essere umano si adatterà al suo ambiente solo comprendendo e accettando la sua umanità e la sua interconnessione con la Natura.
Tous les organismes vivants sont en constante évolution. Ce que définit Charles Darwin dans sa théorie de l’évolution des espèces et cette évolution porte une part d'aléatoire et de variation.
Avec l'explosion des nanotechnologies, des biotechnologies, de l'informatique et des sciences cognitives apparaissent de nouveaux récits anthropologiques qui dessinent les contours d'un être humain réparé, transformé voire augmenté. L'homo-sapiens peut maintenant manipuler son ADN, il transgresse la sélection naturelle et élimine la part de hasard.
Vision d'un monde meilleur ou d'un monde apocalyptique ?
Tout au long de mon travail artistique, je me suis interrogée sur l'aspect éthique de ces récits, et j'aimerais que les gens développent une pensée critique sur la condition humaine et son avenir. Je veux décrire les flux, les ondes dès lors considérées comme des énergies vitales qui transcendent l’Humain dans tous les aspects de sa condition humaine. L’être humain est un être vivant, parmi les êtres vivants interconnectés et animés de vibrations. L’être humain ne s'adaptera à son environnement qu'en comprenant et acceptant son humanité et son interconnexion avec la Nature.
Todos los organismos vivos están en constante evolución. Es lo que definió Charles Darwin en su teoría de la evolución de las especies y esta conlleva una parte de aleatoriedad y variación.
Con la explosión de las nanotecnologías, las biotecnologías, la informática y las ciencias cognítivas van apareciendo nuevos relatos antropológicos que dibujan los contornos de un ser humano reparado, transformado o aumentado. Ahora el Homo sapiens puede manipular su ADN, transgrede la selección natural y elimina el azar.
Visión de un mundo mejor o un mundo apocalíptico ?
A través de mis obras artísticas, cuestiono la ética de estos relatos, invitando a desarrollar un pensamiento crítico sobre la condición humana y su futuro.
Quiero transcribir los flujos, las ondas consideradas como energías vitales que trascienden el Humano en todos los aspectos de su condición humana. El ser humano es un ser vivo, entre los seres humanos interconectados y animados por vibraciones.
El ser humano solo se adaptará a su entorno si entiende y acepta su humanidad y su interdependencia con la Naturaleza.
All living organisms are in constant evolution. This was defined by Charles Darwin in his theory of the evolution of species, and this evolution carries a share of randomness and variation.
With the upsurge of nanotechnology, biotechnology, computer science and cognitive science, new anthropological narratives appear redesigning the shapes of a human being fixed, transformed or even enhanced . Homo sapiens can now manipulate his DNA, transgress natural selection and eliminate the element of chance.
Vision of a better world or an apocalyptic world?
All along my artistic works, I have been questioning the ethical aspect/part of these narratives, and I would like people to develop a critical thinking on the human condition and his future.
I would like to describe the flows, the waves from then considered as vital energies which transcend the Human being in all the aspects of his human condition. The human being is a living being, among living beings interconnected and animated by vibrations. The only way the human being will adapt to his environment, is by understanding and accepting his humanity and interconnection with Nature.