Catharsis is a NFT Generative Art project inspired by the passion and energy of the abstract expressionism movement.
This project was born with a challenge in mind: To write an algorithm capable of generating 999 pieces of digital art that doesn’t feel geometric at all. Instead, I try to communicate the opposite to polygonal or geometric images: I try to express the kind of emotion and passion I feel when I'm in front of my favorite artworks. Feelings that are hard to put in words, and are even more difficult to put in equations and structured lines of code.
The algorithm, capable of producing 999 different expressive artworks (varying in style, intensity, color palettes, singularities), includes several innovations seen here for the first time in the whole NFT generative context.
An in-depth description of the project, concept and innovations can be found here:
My idea would be to exhibit, aside from some static high-res large prints, the algorithm constantly running on a screen, permanently painting different artworks.
A critic essay written and published by Wes Hazard can be found here: "Catarsis. Appreciating the seen & unseen in Dario Lanza's generative canvases":
The collection was launched in September 2022 with great success due its innovative nature.