As an interplay between hand-made film and experimental film art, Sonambula documents the inner world of a sleepwalker. Colors, sounds,... Read More
As an interplay between hand-made film and experimental film art, Sonambula documents the inner world of a sleepwalker. Colors, sounds, improvised music and faces of the most human emotions become wordless language, which reflects mental states. Based on a quote from Marc Aurel, the individual is a kind of collage of daily encounters with the outside world that affects us, but which are often hidden from access when we are awake. In the end, however, we remain the impact in our world.
“The outer things themselves do not touch the soul in any way. They have no avenue to it nor can they neither change nor move it in any way. It much more confers itself alone in mood and movement and according to the judgments, of which it deems itself deserving, it also shapes the things before it.