About the work: In this 3rd artwork from the series Need&Greed Water and shadows are important elements: wateras an unexplored element of nature, in constant motion, and shadows of hands moved by thecurrents of water, swaying and rocking like seaweed. These souls have no graves. They rise likewhispering voices from the depths of the sea aiming to create moments of reflection. They do notwant to be forgotten.
voice: Helen MELONExtracts of poems by Hebert LOGERIE - Akhtar JAVAD - Dave Alan WALKER - Hasmukh AMATHALAL -Aphrodite Anastasia MENEGAKI - THEOREM THE TRUTH SERUM - Eric COCKRELL - Winston HARDING -Rm. Shanmugam CHETTIAR - Deepti AGARWAL - Dr. Geeta Radhakrischna MENON