El Mektoub means « God’s plan » in Arabic.
The Mektoub is a reference to fatality, a concept that recognizes that humanity’s purpose is determined by God.
Following the loss of my little brother, a multitude of emotions overwhelmed me for a long time. What dominated me above all was this violent duality between the worlds that I navigate every day. To grieve with my family was to live in a circle where my brother’s death didn’t mean his end and his departure was part of a divine will.
On the other hand, I had to face the world of the « out » as I like to call it : my friends, the fine arts and society, a world as disturbing as the first. People’s denial and fear of his death bothered me. This taboo around mourning and unease at the idea of confronting each other for fear of facing one’s own anxieties.
This film is the result of a spontaneous, almost visceral, cry. I wrote it imagining a space of mental contemplation, away from the echoes of the worlds I navigate. A space of calm, of lightness where the fatality of loss meets resignation and acceptance.