Set in the year 3000, Earth Refuge 3000 imagines a future where the planet has collapsed, and outside environments are inhospitable to humans. Davies prompts us to consider what will happen to us after we lose our connection to the natural environment. What will we miss most from our planet? How will we remember this place? Earth Refuge 3000 is both an imagination of our future and a reflection of our current state. Re-imagining soil as the most precious commodity, this olfactory device is designed to cocoon the user in the scent of the earth. Designed for a distant and not so distant future world where our soft bodies are not able to handle the outdoor world; the temperatures, the humidity, the smells, the climate collapse.
The Earth Refuge 3000 is designed for a future world where we have travelled to distant places, where we have lost contact with solid ground.
A film by Merinda Davies
Videography Mick Angus
Composition Matt Cornell
This work can be shown as a dual screen video or video and 3D installation, the installation includes a small glass sculpture pictures below (15cm x 10cm).