Using the format of animation as well as speculative fiction/fabulation through which the ecology of death is narrated, the work 10,9,8,7,6... offers... Read More
Using the format of animation as well as speculative fiction/fabulation through which the ecology of death is narrated, the work 10,9,8,7,6... offers an immersive experience of the phenomenon of death within a computer-generated reality. The video work questions the need and way of human practice of preserving life.
10,9,8,7,6... was created as a transdisciplinary research that includes the fields of art, sociology, philosophy, cultural theory, and medical science (anesthesiology and oneirology). The research for the film begins with the study of archival material on the history of anesthesia in the regions of the former Yugoslavia, which then symbolically opens a new, parallel (virtual) space of dreams about the speculative fabulation of different ecologies. The ecology of death (the silent protagonist of the plot), which refers to the circulation of matter in nature (but also carries various socio-cultural connotations), can create new ecosystems around itself, to decompose and transform the environment. As that process changed and redefined in various ways during the Anthropocene, the determination of death as a biological phenomenon can no longer be viewed only as part of a natural ecosystem and the circulation of matter in nature.
The speculative fabulation of the video work takes place through the visualization of dreams under the effect of anesthesia in the moments of surgical interventions - operations, within which the motif of death appears with various other existential questions. In this way, the film seeks to merge historical/archival artifacts with science fiction and ask the question: how is the existence of death mutated and romanticized to explain hyperobjects in the world of technometabolism?