When You Wake Up in a Different World is a project that explores anthropomorphism and anthropocentrism, considering metamorphosis while investigating non-human life with the agency of literature. Inspired by Donna Haraway’s ‘The Camille Stories’ in Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, the surreal creatures of plants with partial human bodies were created, and formed stories inspired by Franz Kafka and H.P. Lovecraft. The ceramic installation is based on the first story ‘You, Fruit, and Plants with Partial Bodies’ I wrote in this project, showing a withered scene of fallen hand-like petals and questioning whether the watermark is rain or saliva under the pitter-patter sound. The story is open-ended, written from a non-human angle in the second person, in the present tense, and without any specific names or living forms mentioned in it to let the readers put themselves into it, presenting alongside the installation as a publication with drawings inside: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cT5HmnDrQLFftHKazH0G-6gS1AFiDuXt/view?usp=drive_link