HARVESTAcrylic painting sculpture on stones mounted on precious amaranth wood
Yesterday we picked one last peach from the tree,
And this morning, in the thick and cool dawn,
Autumn whitening on the neighboring slopes.
A fine frost has wrinkled the purple of the grapes.
Over there do you see dawning, at the end of the climb,
The golden leaf vines in the silvery haze?
The horizon brightens in vague redness,
And the rising sun leads the grape pickers.
Victor de Laprade
3 bunches of ripe grapes hanging from a trellis. 3 cluster-shaped stones, painted in shades of plum, fuchsia, violet, gold, bronze, reminiscent of grapes ready to be harvested for the production of wine. Each grain is different, merged with several colors. The clean-lined trellis made of amaranth wood blends in best with this vineyard setting. Amaranth (or purple wood) is a precious wood whose color over the years, like a grand cru, becomes more and more dark purple.
This sculpture can match the EL VINO table. In one place, these two matching creations could be showcased one and the other.
At all times, the vine and the wine have inspired the most varied representations. The first representation of the winemaking process is done by the Egyptians, on bas-reliefs. On capitals, at the Abbey of Cluny or at the baptistery of Parma, we find the winegrower in activity. In the Middle Ages, health manuals with illustrations spoke of the positive or negative contribution of wine. The beautiful Cluny tapestry describes the activities, the work clothes and the tools used with great detail.