Due to
ongoing climate change, scientists predicts a rise of 1 m - 1.5 m in the sea
between this and the next century. This will represent a damage to all species
and cities like Venice. We are just one more species. But we are responsible
for the eventual catastrophe. We must avoid it!
THE IDEA of the TECHNIQUE: "Double Reading" ("LETTURA DOPPIA" - lo stesso quadro - due letture) :
The idea of "Double Reading" was proposed by Bernardo Molinas Agnellini
starting from a category of chemical substances called "phosphors",
developed in Italy by a Research Center on Innovative Materials in Venice,
Venezia Tecnologie SpA, intended a few years ago for the manufacturing of PC
and TV screens. The phosphors, if excited with electrons or illuminated with
ultraviolet (UV) light, respond - due to the phenomenon of luminescence - with
three very pure colors: blue, red or green, and if excited with different
intensity the three types of phosphors, all are obtained the remaining colors.
response is very intense, much more efficient than that of commercial products
called "fluo". As a Ph.D. in Physics, Molinas had participated in the research for the development and production of phosphors, characterizing the
so-called “Visible light emission spectra” or “Colours” of excited phosphors. - The 3 very pure colours (blu, red and green) appear thanks to atoms of different
elements: Zn, Eu and Cd, respectively, in each pigment.
The new
"egg tempera with phosphors": Molinas, who already painted with
"standard tempera" (pigments plus some binders, such as casein),
introduced phosphors into his paintings to develop a new idea: "Double
Reading". The “egg-tempera with phosphors” is applied with the whole
egg as a binder and the phosphors as innovative pigments.
In the case
of the "Double Reading" Series the observer can give his first
interpretation of the painting initially illuminated with normal or
"visible" light (sun, standard lamps). When then he approaches to the
painting, thanks to a “Proximity Sensor” the UV LED strips can be turned on. In
the painting, now also illuminated with UV light, new and evocative images are
added to the previous ones and thus generate a "double meaning" and a
new, more complete, or even different, meaning.
At he end all depends on the observer ("The Death of the Author" has suggested Roland Barthes).
- MATERIALS - canvas on a
carboard + phosphors as innovative high luminiscent pigments (not simply fluo
materials) + old technique of
- The third dimension (thickness) is neccessary for the UV source and the Proximity Sensor.