a childhood game, catching fireflies with our hands, trying to control their light with a gesture, before setting them free... Read More
a childhood game, catching fireflies with our hands, trying to control their light with a gesture, before setting them free again. the series entitled lecompressionidellaluce (the compressions of light) invites us to engage with the work in a similar act of play: by manipulating gears, viewers hold and move light within their grasp, altering its intensity through a complex system of openings and mechanisms. the luminous intensity fluctuates within the enclosed space, sparking a continuous exploration of the interplay between natural and artificial light. the luminous, intangible essence, seemingly resistant to capture or control, surpasses its ephemeral form and it becomes a solid entity, subject to touch, pressure, compression.
la luce:
impalpabile elemento, onda elettromagnetica,
intangibile materia.
un gesto la tocca,
la comprime,
la spinge
e lei diventa solido di luce compressa.
d'improvviso si fa sostanza,
peso, spessore,
consistenza della luce. mn
intangible element, electromagnetic wave,
indefinite matter.
a gesture touches it,
compresses it,
pushes it
and thus becomes solid.
suddenly becomes substance,
weight, thickness,
consistency of light. mn