There are
many hungry in the world, and even more food being thrown away.
There is story that I was downloaded from the internet and served as the
inspiration for this work.
A small (universal) story about Heaven and Hell
(regardless of religion, skin color and nationality)
Once upon a time, a man was lucky enough to see the God. Trying to find out all
the most important things, the man asked: "God, I would like to see what
Heaven and Hell look like." The God took the man by the hand and led him
to the two doors.
When they opened one, they saw a large round table with a huge bowl in the
center of the table. The bowl was filled with food that smelled so delicious,
that the man swallowed it with his eyes. People were sitting around, they
seemed helpless, sick or starving. A spoon with a very long handle was attached
to everyone's hand. They could easily reach for food, but they could not bring
a spoon to their mouths because of that too long handle. The sight of their
misfortune was appalling.
"Now you have seen Hell," the God said.
Then they approached the other door. When they opened them, they saw the same
big round table, the same big bowl filled with delicious food. Even in the
hands of the people were the same spoons with too long handles, but they all
looked full and happy.
"I don't understand," the man said.
"It's simple," God replied, "These people have learned to feed
each other." The others think only of themselves. PARADISE AND HELL ARE
The sculpture that I've presented on the day of the fight against hunger.