The Limit. An embroidery piece based on Silvia's 5 years of experience in New York City, and the "surviving" life style. Andy Warhol is someone that captured her attention since one day during her architectural degree in Barcelona one of her teachers mentioned him. Andy was a survivor in many senses, health, money, work, art.. and a life adapter to any situation and place with passion and respect for the different personalities and cultures he was facing during his life, and proud of his family during all his life, even when he was on top of the Fame.
Nowadays we urgently need to respect and adapt to new appearances, styles and creations never seen before, and basically the 60's where this thirst of searching "The New and The Different".
This piece is done in two layers, overlapped and with the possibility to be open, like a Dipthych, In the one underneath there is his face embroidered with all tiny beads and sequins of 1-2mm size, with the expression of doubt and distrust, with the eyes looking at the side, like being here but at the same time being there, and on the layer on top, a hole with the same shape as the head, and a whole embroidery around with the same material of the face for the gold part, and random black material pieces of plastic and fake black flowers, starting with a gold color and as it goes out it becomes black, this means, the area of control of each human being, the gold would be what we know and the black what we can't control, but is stil there around us. When you open the Dipthych, there is another meaning of this piece, sometimes we are just a hole an empty space and is just what we pretend to be(the gold part) par at the end there will be a lot of "shit" around us invisible for us but totally present.
So this piece is trying to reflect what is going on today, with also the help of the misuse of Social Media, and basically is what Andy 5 decades ago was actually playing with, image, fame and fake life, but actually he was very conscious of he was doing, this is the main difference, thats why I put him inside the hole, he was a master of this dangerous and tricky Game. Where is "The Limit" from us to others, from the real to fake, from save to dangerous, from ethical to disrespectful?, this is the reason of the title of the piece.
To finish the piece a black paint with a spay is added from the exterior to the center to make this transition and degrade od the layers more soft.
This piece won the Hand and Lock Prize in London in 2018, first position for art embroidery.