It is a sculptural seat made of concrete and recycled stones that has the purpose to remind that is important being phisically uncomfortable sometimes, because this generates attention and mental ferment as a consequence. The seat has also the aim of remembering that is fundamental to let the world leave his sign on us because we are the fossil body, what is marked by external influences those makes a life. This seat is used in “Stare scomodi per essere pt.2” as a performative element.
Mundus patet. The world is opening.
It welcomes the signs of the passage.
Fossils coming from far away.
But the world also leaves a permanent sign.
Bankeramiker created holes in the ground at home.
Hands, fundament and feet’s sensitiveness in important. But it’s gone.
The eye doesn’t see forever.
The memory neither, it fails.
Time makes everything decadent.
But experience remains signed somewhere.
And when the eye forgets.
And when the body forgets.
A memento is useful.
It’s useful to let the world leaves a sign on us.
We are the fossil body.