This project was born from my desire to challenge the characteristics inherent in the mosaic (staticity, coldness, bidimensionality) to reinvent it and detach it from its classic destination as a purely decorative medium mainly used in churches and bathrooms.
I experiment with the introduction of mobile elements, innovative materials (felt, soft fabrics) and three-dimensional elements.
A bit like Piero Gilardi's Nature Carpets, my Sensory Metamosaics amaze and intrigue the viewer, offering them a new mosaic experience, an interactive, tactile experience that generates an emotional contrast between the already known and the new: the static leaves the place to the movement and the cold to the heat.
My intention is to take people by the hand and help them to jump with me into the three-dimensional world of matter that emerges from carefully
contemplating - almost under a microscope - apparently flat surfaces, to make them discover unexpected textures and details, details that I love to amplify and magnify by subverting the proportions of the real world, to initiate a "treasure hunt" hidden beyond the first sight.
While today's society pushes us to isolate ourselves in our individuality and look absently at a world of bidimensional images that no longer surprise us, Connective Tissue is an invitation to rediscover the hidden treasures in looking with more attention, deeper and closer to reconnect.
As the mosaic tile finds its raison d'être in the whole and the whole takes shape thanks to it and the other tiles, in the same way, we, human beings, have the possibility to rediscover and enhance our true identity and uniqueness through the connective tissue that unites us and that awakens when we discover details which amaze Us.