In an age when sustainability of precious resources has been disregarded, it has become evident that the preservation of the beauty of nature has to be given more focus. The plants were the first alive organisms and do play an important role for the entire life on earth.
Lately was registered a radical decrease or even an erasement of the different species of mosses (and also of other plants) due to mass deforestation fueled by agriculture, industrial expansion, pollution and water contamination. The equilibrium of the ecosystem will collapse if this continues at such an alarming rate.
This work speaks about the innocence of nature and draws attention to its value. It represents the fear of loosing the battle for the planet, of not seeing the moss grow again.
It is precisely the plants that are essential for the exchange of gases in the atmosphere because they balance the emissions and thanks to the process of photosynthesis they produce oxygen. Without plants, animal and human life cannot exist. Let's think and start acting!