mirror Mirror
You look at yourself in the mirror...do you recognize yourself?
Do you also see who you should actually be?
You see your face, your facial expressions, your wrinkles... life has marked you...
but the mirror tells you the truth......it doesn't lie...it shows you again and again who you really are...who you should actually be...
But can you break away from your path?....From your influence, your experience....
the many influences...?
If you don't follow your true self... your purpose... your calling... the mirror will show you that again and again...
....you feel like a puppet in the theater of life....
but YOU are not holding the strings...
the eternal conflict challenges you... it doesn't let you calm down...
you are restlessly looking for meaning...for perspectives...
The mirror reminds you...it challenges you...
“Take your fate into your hands....decide for yourself....listen to your inner self!”
Nothing can happen to you...don't give up...
break away from your given patterns...the path is the right one...
follow your heart... and the mirror will tell you the truth...