Those Air-filled high relief structures are wall sculptures that engage the spatial space in properties way, testing the boundaries of... Read More
Those Air-filled high relief structures are wall sculptures that engage the spatial space in properties way, testing the boundaries of scale, color and the lightness and expectations carved with air in various geometric forms: while exploring the possibilities of the unconventional Soft-Vinyl material in artistic form. I am also interested in apart how objects resonance in with air carved high relief pattern and to "how" they are created with filled gas /AIR i.e. the appearance of panel painting visualized through industrial materials and monumental sculptural form with Air. I combine several vinyl layers in opposition to the linearity and to create a volume that gently handles shapes the flexibility of Soft- vinyl film.
The work is created by several Soft Vinyl layers each by each other and Air, which are two materials contrasting in characteristics. The omnipotent material Air expresses itself by its own physical properties and marks on the surface texture. These multi-layered artworks take ordinary rounded protuberance of the surface. Several layers of base material which are the airtight core layer and soft High-Relief textures covered in monochrome opalescent or matt surface. A high relief pattern in monochrome Black and Magenta layering, which protrudes three-dimensionally out of the vinyl floor with multiple line condensations at the welds. The Surface characteristic indicates the tension of peak and zero stress levels.