This large XXL medallion is about the age-old theme of Madonna and child.
Creating one's own life - the child; You really can't get any closer to nature.
So I see this work as a 'wakeup call' about the fragmentation - the breaking up into small pieces - of humanity, and that we must be careful that we as humans do not become too far removed from nature so that we are subject to it. go under.
Fragmentation may refer to:
-reproduction; a form of asexual reproduction (which, strangely enough, was the case with Mary/Madonna)
-cell biology; the disintegration of cells or DNA.
In this sense, I see this work as a (shocking) reminder to us about the direction humanity is heading, and that we should indeed strive more towards a nature-inclusive world.
This monumental medallion artwork with pastille acrylic is called 'Madonna & Child';
Inspired by age-old Madonnas with child, it is constructed from all kinds of existing articles and objects from which this image of Madonna with child is ultimately created.
I have used this old principle, inspired by the painting of Madonna and Child with Seraphim and Cherubim by Jean Fouquet from the Middle Ages, in which the mistress of the French king - Agnes Sorel - served as the model for the Madonna, (in KMSKA in Antwerp). own visual language displayed in a new way that belongs to this time; like fragmented robots.