There is a bond, an indissoluble bond between matrix and imprint, between the inside and the outside that is generated physically through the process of contact. This absolute power of the “reflected” image which constitutes the sense of the portrait, of the funeral mask, is able to make magically present what will no longer be there, to split the subject into the object, so it represents a possible attempt to escape the oblivion of time.
Through the mold I reproduce the authentic double figural of my eyes using the technique of lost wax casting. Eyes closed “open” on the mystery in a state of sought-after blindness of becoming a seer. It’s perpetuated the classic myth of Homer, the blind poet who abandons the outside world to venture into the abyss of his interiority but who is also the voyant of Rimbaud. Closing my eyes I interrupt a channel of information that uses light as a medium and through the cast that instant finds its incarnation in the double.