Framework is the sculpture and installation that is structured with photography and three frames.
The raw material of Framework is the reinterpretation of "Shakkei" – the Japanese garden philosophy –. The frame which is settled in the photography, the frame which settles photography in, and the frame with nothing. The meaning of the perspective the audience sees at that moment fluctuates due to the relationship between these three types of frames and the viewpoint of the audience.
There is a solid design philosophy in a Japanese garden called Shakkei. It enhances both the garden and particular scenery together with conflict by using an artificial divider or cutout rather than the emphasis of continuity between them. People get a view of natural and unnatural peculiar designed space, calm and dynamic from the specific viewpoint at the same time shift Japanese garden was space for seeing and a rite to space where is for appreciation and meditation.
In Framework, viewers see the particular cutout photograph through the empty white frame. It is not completed yet with these two elements. The installation changes their background depending on the location and position at the site. It forms a conflict structure between an object and a unique background. Framework gets closer to completion by forming each conflict structure with the object, frame, background and space. However, the relations of conflict structures are continuously being destructed by the viewpoint and the surrounding environment. The background turns into artwork. Inside turns outside. And vice versa.
The installation keeps asking viewers their perception on account of produce a dynamic transition of perspective although it's a very calm object.
When it comes to the photographs, each photograph is cutout with a particular perspective.
The images raise a question. Keeping sitting down on the comfortable spot even if the front of the thing needed change. What does it bring you that the conflict between the oneway perspective and various ways of seeing in front of you?
So much information, so many opinions, so many things to think about in this complex society.
Is it a dead-end or in production? The series looks the same form but it leads you to each different interpretation with correspondence of object and environment.
The planet and society in which we currently live have faced the phase of shifting the way of living. Framework generates a different point of view by continuously destructing their usual sight and perspective. We cannot look at something in a new direction while we see normal as normal. Framework is the invitation to question your everyday life.