The work comprises of four media. The first
features “portraits” of GSD coin banks from Taiwan.
The second is a collection
of ceramic ready-mades produced between 1958 to 1990 during the period of East
Germany, which somewhat overlaps with the GSD coin banks made in Taiwan. The
ceramic company Katzhütte (Hertwig & Co) is located in Thuringia. Katzhütte
(Hertwig & Co) underwent two stages in its development. From 1864 to 1958,
it used the brand name Porzellanfabrik Hertwig & Co. After the split of
East Germany and West Germany in 1958, the ceramic factory in East Germany
became nationalized and adoptedthe name V.E.B. Zierkeramik Katzhütte. After the
reunification of East Germany and West Germany in 1990, the company closed all
its production lines.
For the third part, the ceramic statues produced by
Katzhütte (Hertwig & Co) are used as models for drawings of geometric
shaped dogs engaged in obstacle training base on the dogs’ physical forms in
overcoming the obstacles. Ten of the obstacles are often seen in common,
leisurely “agility competitions,” including Table, Hoop, Bar Jump, Weave Poles,
Tunnel, Flat Tunnel, A-Frame, Seesaw, Long Jump and Dog Walk. Two subjects that
usually appear in heavier military and police dog training, Wall Climbing and
Ladder Climbing, are also added. In the fourth part, the ceramic dog statues of
Katzhütte (Hertwig & Co)are used as models to create porcelain statues of
the drawings in the third part. In the first phase, four statues featuring
Hoop, A-Frame, Wall Climbing and Weave Poles are produced.