Food is a weapon; food maybe the ultimate weapon. By the
controlling food & you can control society, but when you control seed, you
control life on earth.” It is pathetic attempt at seed dictatorship and the
food politics. I mean, it’s war against earth.
Nowadays, we are ignoring natural resources and the organic
lifestyle. We are part of a global corporate market. In our competitive market,
brands grab the attention of customers. Beautification of food, giving each
product an ideal shape, size, or color, has become the most vital part of our
food culture. We belong to a world of hybrid seeds, synthetic fertilizers, and
chemical or pesticide processes in growing vegetables, fruits, and crops in
Bangladesh. Only recently have people started to rethink and turn their
attention to organic gardens.
The small objects not only appear as food but with various
statements on the politics of food imposed by the agricultural giants from
powerful countries. The potential harm to our health, the environment, and
traditional farming, as well many other damages can be attributed to the
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that are applied to food. The use of DDT
and excessive pesticides poses an enormous threat to humans as well other
species. The genetically modified seeds taken over the organic seeds somehow,
and we struggle to grow plants, vegetables, and fruits and realize that the
word “organic” has become a lie