From the tracing of a grid of tiles of the same material
as the finished floor of the space, a structure is created that simulates that
some of them are raised from their current level in a random way, seeking to
alter the linear circulation through the room. The intervention takes several
formal characteristics of a residential traffic floor such as the dimensions of
the tiles, the materials of the finishes and the installation grid. However,
the slopes and heights of the intervened pieces are outside the installation
parameters of a regular traffic floor.
To move by oneself or with aids, is a basic action that
every person should be able to perform, especially if we talk about mobility in
the public space of the city, where any person, regardless of their physical,
mental or communication condition, has the RIGHT to be and move freely.
Colombia, physical diversity is seen as a key factor to develop social and
urban policies. The problem lies in the fact that, in reality, these policies
are not attended or executed with rigor, despite the fact that the last
National Census of disability in 2010, showed a population of 413,269 people
with impairments in the movement of the body, hands, arms and legs.