EPHEMERA [an ineffable certainty]
Audiovisual installation
2019 | “Estação Viva” - Canelas (Estarreja) © LudmilaQueirós
The ephemeris (aquatic insect) whose name derives from the Greek ephemeros is born in the water, as a nymph (subimago) and when it is ready for the next stage in his life - emerges - remaining afloat in the water until the wings fully develop and thus fly (becoming adult / imago). While they are afloat, it is the time of their cycle when they are most unprotected and use the drift process to avoid predators.
After becoming imagos, they move against the current, mate, lay their eggs and die in a short time (one to two days).
This installation intends to be a poetic metaphor about the cycle of the possible way to grow and learn of Humanity.