Material: canvas on a carboard - phosphors as innovative high luminiscent pigments (not simply fluo materials) - old technique of
Phisicists have
discovered a very rare phenomenon (*) : two subatomic particles that were born together
can be intimately linked to each other even if later on they are separated by very long
distances, even light-years of space.
Despite their vast separation, a
change induced in one of them will affect the other in order to keep constant the
overall initial parameters.
(*) " Quantum ENTANGLEMENT " - Nobel Prize 2022
- The author as a PhD in Physics has worked in the development and
production of the 3 pigments (blu, red and green thanks to atoms of different
elements: Zn, Eu and Cd, respectively) measuring their colours. They are called phosphors and were used in TV and PC screens. The phosphors are luminiscent materials that give visible, very pure, colours when eccited by electrins or UV (ultraviolt) light.
They are not merely "fluo" substances.
- The VIDEO on youtube - here enclosed - does not refer to this
painting directtly . It is enclosed in order to show how the “Double
Reading” works.
- MATERIALS: canvas on a
carboard + phosphors as innovative high luminiscent pigments (not simply fluo
materials) + old technique of