His name is half in Spanish (Hombre) half in Italian (zitto means silence!)
The "Hombre-Zitto" has no mouth for it is silenced by guilt by the search for
his own redemption in the voice of his silence. The dress recalls a roman robe
or a priest's cassock, indicating that since immemorial time, political and
religious power has been in the hands of men from almost every culture in
the world, denying gender equality. Without a mouth, man loses his verbal
power. He can no longer give orders or verbally abuse, remaining in a deep,
ceremonial, and eternal silence in memory of all mistreated women who
deserve more than "a minute of silence."
Hombrezitto little man,
diminutive in Spanish,
quiet in Italian.
His mouth silenced by guilt,
for the pursuit of his redemption
in the voice of his silence.
His rigid and powerful body
Emperor of bloody battles
Religious man of horrendous inquisitions.