Dark Descent" embodies the chaotic impact of the concept of private property, where ownership becomes a form of captivity, mirroring the broader societal decline in an era where the connections to empathy, compassion, and the essence of humanity are eroding. Just as the digital world reduces our identities to simplified forms, the low poly aesthetics of the descending figures in "Dark Descent" symbolize the destruction of complexity and depth in human identity. This work resonates with the historical destruction triggered by industrialization and unplanned urbanization, where the balance between nature and human existence was lost, turning humans into tightrope walkers, struggling to maintain equilibrium in a world of their own making. As these figures fall into the void, they evoke not just a physical descent but a moral and existential decline, compelling viewers to confront the unsettling reality of a time where humanity grapples with its own essence amidst the ruins of its creation .