In my sculptural work I am interested in the relationships -
sensory, mental and emotional - between solidity and transparency, emptiness
and fullness, presence and absence.
Through the exploration of the topological connections
between volume, lines and points, treated as subjects of formal
experimentation, solid material and empty space, structural equivalents, become
inverses: empty material and solid space.
Although they occupy the place in which we move, they are sculptures that transcend their haptic
quality to give meaning to a search for unmapped territories. In their
construction, these structures are woven with an almost arbitrary geometric
Objects with a spectral appearance, fragile and almost
intangible, they are creatures of the deep unconscious that recall the spectrum
of cosmological elements: imaginary, organic and biomorphic nebulae.
Camouflaged under their striking and attractive colours, as
if they were aposematic, they hide their violent and aggressive condition in
the space they engage.