My project is an Installation with the title: "Collection for the children, who were not my own" (Lid and screw caps, only as raw material and as small buildings or objects on a tablecloth with dots on a large table: e. g. 200 x 350 cm, possibly as "work in process", in a staged space) Unfortunately, we had no children ourselves, but our godchildren and neighbor’s children would regularly visit us. I would then play with them, building cities and towers; we set up areas on alien planets, we built artworks, park landscapes and much more. For a long time I liked the aesthetics of lids and caps of all sorts of products, which I had been collecting for some time as a stage designer, intending to put them on stage as big objects (opera or dance theater). That did not unfold and so I came up with the idea to play with the children. There were, for example, lids for mustard tubes, deodorant sticks, dosing capsules, detergents, perfume caps, juice bottles and all kinds of different shower products. Each clasp was meticulously collected by me in about seven years. The great thing about lids is that they do not carry any labels! In the beginning, before the children came in to play, my collection filled a shoebox. Once the children began to play with them, the collection grew and kept growing; at its pinnacle, there were twice as many as I have left today, the rest having been gifted to the children. I wanted to give them a different experience than Lego, Playmobil, or simple toy blocks. That really was a lot of work. Every week I put the newly collected lids in a bowl of dish soap and detached dirt with a dishwashing brush. At the beginning, only large "objects" came into question, so that infants could not swallow them. Today, all these kids are in their twenties. I still have my collection, because they remind me of the good times of our common game-playing. Statement: RECYCLING is becoming increasingly important today! We want, should and must save our plane