The sculpture was made using the author’s technique, where the main means of expression
this is the form. The material used is various motorcycle and auto parts. The parts are connected to
each other by welding, without changing their shape, transforming and building a new form into an image.
The uniqueness of sculpture construction is that all the details are selected in the process to realize the
artist’s image and idea. Main idea sculpture is the business mechanism is like a living organism. To
achieve success and prosperity, you need to involve all areas of activity, like the 7 chakras of a person,
the centers which represent the intersection of the channels through which a person’s life energy flows.
Where each center is responsible for its own separate resource. If even one area is not developed, we
will not be able to achieve balance, harmony and the desired results. Also, in excess energy can
negatively affect other areas of life and activity. The sculpture shows us that one person is capable of
combining many things within himself, we need to develop this, hear our goals and achieve them.