Capitalism is incompatible with the survival of the planet - Jean-Jacques Régibier
The explosion of production since the "industrial age" and the unlimited operation of the planet's resources are the responsibility of the catastrophe. In recent years, the situation is spreading much faster providing additional evidence. This acceleration is the development of capitalism in the countries directly ascending and, more generally, this
form of production spreads over the entire planet.
The capitalist accumulation process was under the influence of long-term structural
crises since the 1970s. Therefore, the acceleration of the globalization process and the financial capital that has reached enormous levels is to seek the solution of the structural crisis of the capitalist system. Because even in a crisis, capitalism continues to expand to reduce capital accumulation. Capitalism is a period of structural crisis, capital is devalued, ecological destruction and destruction are intense processes. The financial, food, energy and environmental crisis is therefore the result of capitalist structural crises that do not limit the search for more profits. Capital, which determines socio-economic life in the world where capitalist accumulation is dominant, increases production and consumption to increase the profitability of capital.
The bad news about global warming and the deterioration of the environment is growing at an alarming pace under the scrutiny of scientific investigations, all of which
are directed to the same diagnosis: : If certain measures are not taken globally, part of
the planet will soon become uninhabitable. of the environment is growing at an alarming pace under the scrutiny of scientific investigations, all of which