What you collect is part of yourself
Ruya Qian
(2018— )
Solidified objects give me a secure feeling.
I collect a lot of stuff, to fulfil the blackhole of my desire. Dolls are one of them.
Too bad as a human being, there are always too many emotions, too many desires, too many dis-
satisfactions. It’s comforting sometimes after a long day when you came home, there are always
the collections as a company. But physical objects cannot reach the the real mental needs, so
here left an empty space.
To escape from the real world, I took a lot of doll photos, dress them up, choose the clothes,
choose the shoes, choose the wigs, then taking photos, the process makes me feel peaceful, like
getting into a fantasy world, but not perfect. When you have a lot of certain stuff to some level,
these stuff became part of you, It’s hard to say who owns whom, since even after you are dead,
these objects may still be there. Just change an owner.
All these thoughts pushed me making images.
Since several years ago, dolls and myself already appeared into my photos together, mainly in
analog works. Recently I’m woking on this topic more on digital media including videos. My dolls
sizes are all around 1 foot to 2 feet in height. I use photoshop and play with perspectives, in video
I tried stop motion, this is the first part of the video, my plan is to have at least 3 parts total to-
first video link: https://vimeo.com/288122634
(inside China:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzgxMDYyNzA0NA==.html?spm=a2hzp.