I photograph abandoned Shopping Trolleys. Where I live in New Zealand you see them everywhere. On the roads, in carparks, up driveways, in rivers, on the beach, often empty but at times filled with rubbish. I felt sad when I first saw them back in 2012, alone, discarded, left behind when no longer useful. Something about them really struck a chord with me and I couldn't just leave them behind without doing something so I started photographing them. I took this photo (and many of the others) on a cell phone, that's why it has large visible pixels and why it feels a bit "off". By using a medium which is ultimately disposable in its own right I want to amplify this idea of consumerist societal abandonment, discarding everything that is no longer useful. Just like the trolley in the photograph, the phone with which this photo was taken will eventually be abandoned and discarded too, without a second thought, when deemed no longer useful.