Digital single lens reflex (DLSR) camera and multi-exposures function. Post-processing on density, exposure, shadows and contrasts.
Not for sale
Material: Textured paper ,Alu-dibond,Metal frame
THE WALLThe title The Wall came naturally to my mind after creating this original series in 2019 - composed of... Read More
The title The Wall came naturally to my mind after creating this original series in 2019 - composed of three different tones (red, orange and brown). During the Summer 2020, I worked again on this red one, improving few details, contrasts between the vivid red, the white details and the dominant black. During the covid-19 crisis, when the pandemic started in China and in Shanghai, where I live, this particular work, this specific Wall, appealed to me as one symbol and as a metaphor of the confinement I have experienced for several months. To me, it was difficult, painful, frustrating, to stay between four walls for so many weeks and during all this time - but so many humans, millions, billions, were enduring the same dilemma: to stay confined or to face a potential risk. The four walls of my room became finally one wall. I suddenly understood what is, also, a wall: an obstable, a physical and mental impeachment. I thought about the Berlin wall and about all these walls also stuck in our own consciousness or sub-consciousness. It reminded me also the importance of the definition of two of the most important words on earth: life, freedom.