67% of health workers are women.
Their salary is up to 25% lower than that of men.
"Slightly out Of Focus" is a photographic series that aims to investigate and represent, as far as possible, the gender gap in Italy, raising awareness of data on labor participation, access to roles, and existing prejudices and attitudes. In fact, each photograph is accompanied by a caption reporting verified data on labor participation and industry data on perceptions, trends and gender gaps.
At the same time, it aims to draw as complete and positive a picture as possible of women's participation in the Italian economy and leadership, portraying female professionals, entrepreneurs and workers valued in their role and context, even if "slightly out of focus."
Finally, the research stands as a "participatory art" project: the subjects represented are not models recruited to carry out the project, but real female professionals who become the protagonists of the operation and actively participate in the realization of the portrait: the project thus also becomes a choral and collective operation on the theme of the gender gap.
The women photographed are all slightly out of focus: not enough to make them unrecognizable, but enough to make the focus on the men behind them.
The blur indicates the gaze of an ordinary man, a man who very often fails to see a woman in a job role as fully credible, especially if that role is traditionally part of "men's jobs." He can't (or won't) focus on her as a professional on par with his colleagues.