Photography, infrared camera, destructive digital process
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Material: Paper
Series: Anonymous Existence Can photography divorce from the surface of the image to reveal the true essence of Life? In this... Read More
Series: Anonymous Existence
Can photography divorce from the surface of the image to reveal the true essence of Life? In this thought, I use infrared images to eliminate social information including countenance, color of skin, clothing details and texture, which reflect clues of the hierarchy and race. Thermal images capture features more basic and physical: temperature of the body and the environment, gestures that show the attitude, and the structure of the image. These images were processed by a digital imaging program intended to destroy pixels, further erasing information about the details. The imperfections through this process become frenzy and chaotic color digital strokes, and the existence of the object is magnified to be visually unavoidable and inevitable. This way of photography makes me free from the limitation of visible light to the invisible world created by the self-emitted light of heat of any life form. With the help of mechanical imperfections, or perhaps it should be said that the failure of human-created intelligence has become a work of art, revealing the similarities and the possibilities of dialogue between human and mechanical art - Art comes from imperfection.